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Despre eretici si alte rahaturi

Mi-am reluat activitatea (cat de cat) pe si aici am dat peste un blog al carui ultim articol postat era unul aparent interesant despre care puteai comenta o groaza chiar daca nu eram de acord in totalitate cu ceea ce era scris. Articolul despre care vorbesc are ca titlu „Multi, dar prosti” lucru care il spunea si Alexandru Lapusneanu despre taranime  si este acesta: .

Sincer, nu am nimic cu absolut nimeni. Oricine isi poate spune parerea despre una sau alta, dar este una sa iti spui pur si simplu parerea si este alta sa afirmi si sa te bati cu pumnu in piept cu atat de multa putere ca ai fi in stare sa iti patrunzi cutia toracica despre un lucru total neadevarat, nedovedit chair daca ti se aduc argumente contra acestei credinte pe care o sustii cu atata tarie si chiar daca te bazezi pe niste povesti mai mult sau mai putin luate din media, media romaneasca care nu va prezenta niciodata partea negativa a unei tarii straine, ci doar a tarii proprii. In acest articol, autorul efectiv denigreaza Romania si romanii spunand in repetate randuri cum ca Romanii sunt hoti, ca sunt cei mai prostii din lume si asa mai departe, bazandu-se pe nu stiu ce sondaje total aiurea si asa cum am explicat intr-un comentariu, nu poti sa te iei dupa un sondaj care se face aleatoriu pe o mana de oameni, cand populatia tarii este de mult mai mare.

Ce ma deranjeaza, cu adevarat, este faptul ca nu inteleg cum poti sa sustii cu atata tarie un lucru total neadevarat si sa mai si scrii zeci de articole ba despre Usl, ba despre comunisti, ba despre nu stiu ce rahat politic, lucru pe care tu nu ai cunostinta si experienta sa spui ca este asa cum spui tu. Cum poti sa te indoiesti de  lucrurile traite de oameni si sa pui mai presus niste lucruri bazate pe grai sau pe cuvinte scrise de oricine. Cum poti sa imi spui ca noi, romanii , nu avem sportivi, olimpici si cantareti cunoscuti in strainante

Iata comentariile de la acest articol :  .

Am mai intalnit eretici acum cativa anii, dar acestia erau religiosi. Unul dintre ei afirma cu tarie ca Harry Potter ar fi diavol, ca daca o mama cu copilul ei ar scapa de un accident, copilul ar spune ca Spiderman i-ar salva..

Cum poti sa spui cu atata tarie ca Harry Potter este un diavol, ca J. K. Rowling ar fi nu stiu cum, iar ce legatura exista intre ortodocsi si Harry Potter, cand cel din urma este absolut un personaj fictiv si atat… Articolul care continea toate aceste prostii este acesta: , iar comentariul pe care l-am lasat este urmatorul :

Nici un copil nu ar spune chestia aia cu spiderman si opriti prostia asta eretica. Harry Potter este un personaj fictiv si ATATA, poate nu stiti ce inseamna fictiune, sau in zilele noastre nu mai avem voie sa inventam povesti interesante ?

Mai gasisem acum cateva lunii, un articol exact pe aceeasi tema, dar mult mai detaliat in care scria despre tot felul de abureli de genul daca transcrii numele lui Harry Potter in cifre romane si apoi il retranscrii in latina si asa mai departe reiese numarul diavolului, sau daca aduni, imparti si imultesti nu stiu ce cu nu stiu ce, dai tot de numarul diavolului…

Ce sunt fratilor cu blasfemiile astea? Nu ne mai putem folosi imaginatia sa cream personaje de aventura, comedie, actiune ca vine diavolul si ne ispitesc cu ele ? Se transforma diavolul in Harry Potter?

Suntem in 2013, suntem in era tehnologiei si totusi sunteti atat de incuiati ca si un cal care vede doar inainte nu si in lateral?


How to install a mysql database with Micro DB Installer

What does Micro DB Installer do?

Micro DB Installer is a php script that will help you creating the MySQL database, making almost everything automatically.

Installing: Upload your files and the sql ones and then get in the Micro DB installing page. It’s required you write a username and choose a password. Then, after completing all this information the script will be automatically ran.


Firefox – how to get low resouces consumption even with multiple tabs

Firefox uses a lot of memory when you have more than one open tab.

How to fix it? Easily, just follow these steps:

1. Write about: config in the location bar (where you usually write the address of a website) and then press enter
2. Right click on the window that appears
3. Choose “new”>”integer”
4. Copy in the new window: browser.cache.memory.capacity
5. Ok
6. Set the value to 60000
7. Restart Firefox

Ten tricks to improve your Windows Vista – Part two

5. Add a 2GB (or even bigger) Flash USB

To take advantage of the Windows Ready Boost (which offers an additional Memory Cache). Ready Boost is the Microsoft option which allows you to use an USB Flash as RAM. Ready Boost, obviously will improve the performance of your system.

To turn it on do this:

* Insert an USB Flash

* Press the Start button then Computer

* Right click on the USB Drive from My Computer

* Select Ready Boost

6. Turning off Windows Hibernation

The services running in the background of Windows hibernation can use a lot of your system. If you don’t want to use the Hibernate option too often than you can deactivate it, increasing the system performance.

To turn off the Hibernate option do this:

* Select Control Panel then Power Options

* Click on the Change Plan Settings

* Click on the Change Advanced Power Settings

* Enlarge the Sleep category

* Enlarge the Hibernate After category

* Select zero

* Click on Apply

7. Turning off the System Restore option

Although it’s very useful, the System Restore it’s eating a lot of your resources. You can turn it off, but in case the system will break down at one point this will option will not be available.

To turn off this service do this:

* Control Panel>System

* Click on the System Protection in the left panel

* Uncheck the main drive

* Confirm the deactivation

8. Deactivate User Access Control (UAC)

This Windows Vista option is strongly despised by the majority of users. In its attempts to protect you from Malware, UAC is asking you to confirm a lot of mediocre options. You can deactivate this option, and not only that your system will run faster but you’ll also get rid of the discomfort that it’s bringing.

To deactivate User Access Control do this:

* Click on the Start button, then on Control Panel

* Select User Accounts

* Select Turn User Account Control on or off

* Uncheck the User Access Control box

* If it’s necessary, restart the system

9. Deactivate the unnecessary Startup Windows services

As was the case with XP, Vista comes with a lot of services that load every time the system starts, although the majority of the users don’t even use them.

To see what loads at start up and uncheck the useless services (they can be turned back on later) do this:

* Click the Start button then Control Panel

* Select Administrative Tools

* Choose System Configuration

* Click on Services

* You can safely uncheck:

o Offline Files (only if you don’t use Offline File Sync)

o Tablet PC Input Service (only if, obviously, you have a tablet PC)

o Terminal Services

o Windows Search (only if you already unchecked the indexing)

o Fax (only if you don’t use a modern fax)

10. Deactivate the overfilling Windows options

Windows Vista comes with a lot of other options which are listed somehwere else than the ones from above.

You can deactivate them like this:

* Click on the Start button then Control Panel

* Select Program Features

* From the left column, select Turn Windows Features on or off

* You can safely uncheck:

o The indexing service

o Remote Differential Compression

o Tablet PC Optional Components

o Windows DFS Replication Service

o Windows Fax & Scan (only if you don’t use a modern fax)

o Windows Meeting Space (only if you don’t use Live Meeting Service)

Ten tricks to improve your Windows Vista – Part one

If Windows Vista is working lousy don’t worry, apparently some people discovered some tricks that will help you run your Microsoft operating system at full speed. The advices aren’t very different from the ones on how to speed up XP, it basically still depends on “turning off the useless things”.

1. Turning off Windows Search Indexing

Windows Vista is indexing all the time the computer’s files in order to make them more accessible in case you look for them, a very useful option, but it’s affecting the performance of the system which is btw already tormented by the operating system.

In order to turn off the indexing you need to do this:

* Press the Start button and then Computer

* Right click on the C: driver

* In General Tab, clear Index this drive for a quicker search

* In the next box, select Include subfolders and files

2. Turning off the Remote Differential Compression

Remote Differential Compression is measuring the changes in the files from a network in order to be able to transfer them more efficiently and with bandwidth savings, instead of just transferring the whole file. Constantly checking for the changes in a file, this service can slow down the system.

In order to turn off this service do this:

* Open up Control Panel

* Switch to Classic View

* Select Program Features

* Choose Turn Windows features on and off

* Uncheck Remote Differential Compression from below

3. Turning off the Automatic Windows Defender Operation

Windows Defender offers real-time protection against malware, and continues to  run even if the Automatic operation has been turned off.

In order to turn off definitively this option do this:

* Open Control Panel

* Select Windows Defender

* Choose Tools from the menu above

* Select Options

* Uncheck Auto Start

4. Turning off Automatic Disk Defragmentation

This option that constantly defragments your disk drives is not really necessary and it can slow down the system. This way, you can turn it off, if you remember to defragment the disk yourself once a week.

To turn off this:

* Press the Start button and then Computer

* Right Click drive C:

* Select Tools

* Uncheck Run on a schedule box