Category Archives: RTS

New Release in september: Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of Winter

In september the guys from Paradox Interactive will publish the sequel of Sword of the Stars .

The game is named Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of Winter and it was developed by Kerberos Productions.  Sword of the Start II continues the galactic battle between different races. In this new part, , all the original six races will be here and also some expansions. Also, new races will apear such as the acient race that is responsible for tampering with the Liir, the Zuuls and so on.

Not limited to another entire new race and their unique drive technology, SotS2 will be a major step forward in the SotS approach to 4X gameplay, taking the easy-to-learn-hard-to-master philosophy set out in SotS1 and following that path to a new standard in space strategy games.