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Cea mai usoara metoda de a fura favicon

English: A screenshot of English Wikipedia in ...

English: A screenshot of English Wikipedia in Firefox on KDE, showing the favicon next to the address bar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Am mai scris in engleza despre favicon pe aici si aici.

Am avut de transferat un site dintr-o parte in alta si cea mai usoara metoda a fost sa preiau favicon dintr-un site direct folosind google.

Introduceti in browser:


unde este siteul de la care vreti sa luati faviconul.

Dupa ce ai luat faviconul foloseste sintaxa:After getting the favicon you can use it by embedding in the head section of your website using the following syntax.

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="http://URL-OF-THE-IMAGE-HERE"/>

Aceasta sintaxa o puneti in head si schimbi url imaginii unde scrie URL-OF-THE-IMAGE-HERE .

Totusi ar fi bine sa nu copiati  faviconurile datorita drepturilor de autor., a webmessenger that lets you to make video calls is a free IM client based on a web interface that supports Yahoo!, AIM, Facebook, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, MySpace, Skype. This service also allows video calls.

Video calls offer a big chat window and if the connection is down, automatically reconnects.

Stay in touch with friends on different protocols without having to download or install additional audio or video software (as long as you have flash installed on your browser): AIM, Facebook, Google Talk, ICQ, Jabber, MSN,
MySpace, Skype, and Yahoo!
Resize the video chat window
Customize the settings – Adjust the volume, video quality, and display settings

How to have a free 8 gigabytes online hard disk with DropBox

Dropbox is the online free service which allows you to synchronize the files between several computers and/or mobile phones like Android, Nokia, Blackberry or iPhone, using the internet. Dropbox offers initially 2GB of free stocking space but there are certain ways you can get even 8GB (at every invitation you send, you receive 250MB; maximum 8GB)

How does Dropbox work:

Before anything you’ll have to register and create a new account by clicking here:

After you complete the form you have to download and install the application in the computer.

When they ask you to create an account, you choose the ‘I already have an account’, then you click next and then you complete the form using the data that you used to create your account.

The email address used for the registration

The password you’ve chosen at the registration

Name the computer you’ll install the application on (to differentiate it from the others, in case you’ll add some more)

Click on the Next to finish the installation process

When you finish the installation process in the host computer, a new folder named “Dropbox” will be created. Every time you’ll upload files in this folder, this ones will the automatically uploaded on the online hard disk.

How can you get 8GB of free space

You log on to Dropbox from Internet Browser, the you click on “Get extra space free” (this function is available in the lower left corner) and you send invitations to your friends and acquaintances to join you in using this service, or you can use the posting of Facebook option, the one of sending invites through email or just posting the generated link by Dropbox on Twitter, HI5, and so on.

How to set auto response for your Yahoo mail ?

1. You need to login in your  Yahoo! Mail account.
2. Now, you click the Options button, than the Mail Options button  and now you select from the list the Vacation Response.
3. You must select the Enable for the auto-response to enable  during your vacation, after that you write the message you want to appear as auto response.

The Facebook emoticons list