Arhive blog

How to delete all emails from Yahoo Mail inbox with few clicks.

Many users already know that Yahoo ! currently uses two graphics interfaces for YahooMail .The Yahoo Mail Classic and the new version of ” All-New Mail „. If you have decided to delete all messages from Yahoo Mail Inbox, you must go from Yahoo Mail Classic  to All-New Mail version (you can always return to original version).

1. In Yahoo Mail Classic somewhere on the right is a link ” Options „. Click on it and then on the menu that opens click on ” Switch to All-New Mail „.

2. Inbox > click on Actions  and then on the menu that opens click on  “Select All Emails“.

3.  After all the emails have been selected, we click on Delete .

  Yahoo!  can’t delete more than 25.000  emails in the same time.

If you have more than 25.000 emails,  you must repeat the second step.

Some tips for online playing with Gameranger

In the previous article, I showed you how to play games with your friends via Gameranger.

However there are some tips that are good to know.

First of all, if  you have a game that is supported by Gameranger, but it doesn’t apear in your list of games in Gameranger, you will need to browser after the .exe of the game. So, in Gameranger, you must go to Edit and Options. There, at the tab named Games, are all the games supported by gameranger. You need to search and select the game that you have in your pc, but gameranger doesn’t find it. After that you browse for the .exe file of the game  and open it.

Now, you can play with your friends.

Another thing good to know is that in games you can chat. I don’t know all the button for in game chat, however in Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos, you can press the buttons from F1 to F12 for chat message. In this game, you cannot write your own message.

In finally, you must use your friend list. You will be announced when a friend is online or when a friend opens a room.

I hope these tips are useful for you 😀 .

See ya next time!

Recuperarea datelor cu Recuva

Cautarea fisierelor duplicate cu Dup Scout

VideoTutorial: Ratio Master

Salut sunt Mihai de la It Assitant si va arat programul Ratio Master.

Programul  poate fi descarcat de pe siteul si este folosit pentru a marii ratia pe diverse trackere romanesti si straine.  Programul, de fapt, simuleaza viteza de download, upload si programul de torrent folosit ( utorrent, azures etc).

Ratio Master are mai multe optiuni cum ar fi oprirea dupa o perioada de timp, oprirea dupa o anumita cantitate de download sau upload.

Atentie: Nu folositi viteza de download si upload prea mari si constant in decursul a mai multor ore pentru ca puteti fi prinsi de trackere. Ratio master nu descarca torrenti si nici nu ii incarca ci doar simuleaza incarcarea( uploadul) torrentilor.